Renegade Light Sport Aircraft, Renegade Falcon LS02, Renegade Lil Rascal, SC07 Speed Cruiser.  
Christopher "Doc" Bailey, Renegade Light Sport Aircraft, 1580 Old NDB Rd. DeLand, FL 32724
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About Renegade Light Sport
Renegade Light Sport -  we stand ready to serve your aviation needs. If you are thinking about your first flight lesson or buying your first airplane, if we're right in your neighborhood or halfway across the country, we are eager to help you realize your aviation dreams.

Light Sport aviation is the newest segment of general aviation, with aircraft that fill the gap between ultralights and certified airplanes. Light sport aircraft are safe, ways to fly, and affordable to operate and own. We invite you to explore our website and see what light sport aviation has to offer you.
Christopher "Doc" Bailey
Flying career initiated in 1977 at Central Missouri Aviation department Warrensburg MO.
Total flight time in excess of 15,000 hours
One of the few Aerial Applicator Helicopter pilots ( Helicopter crop duster)Christopher "Doc" Bailey
Professional part 135 air carrier pilot over 18 years

Attended CMSU, Aviation Management major, minor in Aviation Safety 1977-1981

Graduated Army Warrant Officer Rotor wing course Oct 6, 1986 (Army Medevac Huey Pilot)
Military career spans 12 years CW3 separation rank
MEDEVAC helicopter pilot in the US Army and Missouri National Guard.
Night Vision Goggle Unit trainer.
UH-1 Huey Flight Instructor at Fort Rucker AL,
Rated in 11 different turbine rotor wing aircraft and 7 Fixed wing
Holds Commercial, Instrument, CFI, Light Sport CFI and ATP FAA ratings
Holds Rating in both fixed wing and Helicopter categories.
President of University of Central Missouri's Aviation Alumni Association.
Former FDA  "Flight Director" for Air Evac Life team located at West Plains Missouri, a 120 base Helicopter EMS Corporation
Flew for "Native Air" High altitude rescue pilot Show Low Arizona (Native 9 Base)
Has owned and operated Two other successful aviation companies
Member of EAA chapter 91 Lee's Summit Mo.
Member MOPA Missouri Pilots association KC chapter.
Member NEMPSA National EMS Pilots Association
Life time member ALEA Aviation Law Enforcement Association
Life time member HAI Helicopter International
Member AOPA

Be a Renegade. Be a Renegade Sport Pilot.

Renegade Light Sport Aircraft

  1580 Old NDB Rd. DeLand, FL 32724      314-322-5660

